Is Health Insurance mandatory in Dubai

Recent trends in Dubai has seen the region stressing for healthcare for all Emiratis and Dubai expats, including dependents. Without health coverage, people will be forced to pay for the costs of their healthcare causing them to be burdened with healthcare costs & poverty. Recognising this need Dubai has over the past years implemented varied levels of health cover.

The Dubai Health Authority has stipulated a law requiring all residents of Dubai to have a health insurance cover in place to pay for their emergency and curative healthcare needs. While Emiratis have the advantage that their health cover will be handled by a Dubai government-funded scheme, Dubai expats and their dependents will have to resort to private health insurance schemes.

It had become mandatory for all employers in the Emirate of Dubai to provide health insurance coverage to all residents and visitors by June 30, 2016 & all employees to provide basic coverage for their dependents and domestic workers as well. This requirement was applicable for companies employing 100-999 workers ever since July 31, 2015.

It is also planned by the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai (GDRFA) to monitor health insurance coverage, as was done in Abu Dhabi. The GDRFA has decided not to issue or renew residence permits without valid health insurance.

Implications for Employers and Foreign Nationals

Employers in Dubai must ensure that they all their employees are under a health insurance plan & any new applications are submitted with proof of insurance. Any delays in furnishing insurance proof may result in processing issues & noncompliance with the regulation may lead to severe fines or immigration application denial for the employee.

Many Health Insurance companies in Dubai have come forth with assessed health insurance packages for residents that are linked with the duration of their visas. This makes it easier for residents to get their dependents insured.

This has especially benefited people with individual packages who forget to renew their insurance. These packages are linked to the visa renewal period as well and also include the 30-day grace period.

Insurance providers in Dubai have introduced flexible payment plans so that people do not have to pay two years at start. Dubai has made the rules stricter. Sponsors and company owners who violate the Dubai insurance law by not renewing their employees’ and dependents’ insurance every year on time are fined severely & the fine deducted automatically via the electronic system at the time of renewing of the visa.



Is Health Insurance mandatory in Dubai?
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