How Home Contents Insurance can Save you a Fortune

In UAE many events are happening like fires or major flooding in houses due to pipe leaks. You have to be prepared for all sorts of unexpected disasters or accidents that can cause heavy damage to all your prized home contents – Your valuable possessions like furniture, jewelry, gadgets or any memorabilia that you hold dear to your heart! A building insurance will compensate the landlord for structural damage and destruction of fittings, but not for your personal loss. Here’s where insuring your home contents saves you a fortune!

Make your cherished possessions safe with a home contents insurance plan

Most tenants tend to think that their house is secured under the building insurance cover for which the landlord is responsible. However, the cover only applies to damage to structure or fittings and does not extend to your personal belongings.

There are 3 different types of home insurance plans

Buildings: This plan covers the structure & fixtures of the house as well as fittings and is suitable for both landlords and tenants.

Home Contents: The coverage is for all your valuables like furniture, equipment, household appliances etc. It can also benefit landlords and tenants.

Personal Belongings: All your personal belongings like laptops, jewelry, mobile phones and other gadgets that can be carried outside the house are covered. A home contents insurance protects anything inside the house but is not physically attached to the building. As you spend a significant amount for household rent and purchase of new items each year, the cost of a home insurance plan is a very small price to pay.

Is a home contents cover worth it?

Even when you are ultr careful about the house, it can so happen that forces out of your control may cause fires or water leaks. It’s always better to insure your home contents to get your life back on track.

Affordable premium

Home contents insurance plans come with affordable premiums when you consider the extensive coverage you can get in return. At times, the cost of insuring home contents and personal belongings in the UAE is only about 0.6 percent of the value of those items.


There are a few exclusions in coverage in the home contents insurance plans like: Damage due to regular wear and tear or purposeful neglect, loss/damage taking place if your house is left vacant for more than 45 or 60 consecutive days, loss/damage from theft when the house is not properly secured, loss/damage to certain high-value items like collectibles, antiques, etc.

How Home Contents Insurance can Save you a Fortune
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