Things you didn’t know about Maternity Insurance in Dubai

When you plan to start a family, you are so excited and hopeful. It’s also essential to think of prenatal healthcare & go for a comprehensive health insurance policy to ensure the smooth sailing of your pregnancy. Here are five things you really need to keep in mind.

Maternity Coverage has a waiting period

Maternity care is rather expensive, and your need for coverage will begin with immediate effect. Most health insurance policies need a waiting period of eight to 12 months – before pregnancy coverage comes into effect. Hence when you’re considering pregnancy you should buy maternity coverage as soon as possible.

Need to pay more for Holistic care

If you want more than just routine blood tests and ultrasound scans like prenatal holistic services including acupuncture, Homeopathy, Prenatal massage and counseling you may have an option to add these and other additions with extra charges.

Option for Midwife or a Doctor

You can opt for a registered midwife for your pregnancy needs in Dubai as Midwifery can be more appealing due to its focus on informed patient choices, personalized care & lesser costs. Hence check with your insurer to see if the caregiver you choose might get you a discount on maternity coverage.

Maternity Insurance need not always cover complications

Complications can happen at every stage of pregnancy. But Maternity care packages need not normally cover pre-pregnancy costs like infertility tests or treatments, antenatal vitamins etc. Postnatal complications occurring after delivery and discharge from the hospital are likewise not normally covered.

There might be extra charges if your doctor orders extra laboratory or radiology tests, and screening for diseases like Down Syndrome. Check with your insurance company to find out what’s covered and what’s not.

Insurer should pay for Postnatal Care

In Dubai maternity coverage doesn’t end with the birth of the baby. As a standard procedure, a good Maternity coverage policy should extend to around seven days of postnatal care for normal infant health needs as well as emergency complications.

Normal postnatal care will include breastfeeding assistance, room and board at the hospital, and regular check-ups of the newborn and mother to care for serious issues like postpartum hemorrhage or infection. After the first week, further health coverage for the infant should be provided as part of a policy’s general care for young children.

Still have doubts regarding your maternity insurance options? Contact us to speak to one of our expert advisors – we’re only a call away!

Things you didn’t know about Maternity Insurance in Dubai
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